Legal Services
Pre-nuptial agreement is a special contract between prospective husband and wife before the marriage clearly stating rights and obligation concerning their properties before marriage and after marriage. It is a special agreement stating relation between husband and wife as regards to their properties.
Getting married in Thailand is pretty straight forward and never been easier. Among many foreigners getting legally married in Thailand has become a practical decision as it serves as quite viable and easy process, an alternative, to that of complex and expensive procedure required to follow to get married in their home country.
It is highly suggested that you have a Last will and testament prepared in both your home country and in Thailand. As it is always traumatic to think about your demise. Nevertheless, you should plan in advance concerning your properties, so that matters are in order in case of unfortunate event of your demise.
A jurat is a notary’s certification that he or she administered an oath or affirmation to the signer, whose signature was made in the notary’s presence. The purpose of a Jurat is for a signer to swear to or affirm the truthfulness of a document’s contents.