Thailand work permit

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Thailand work permit

Work Permit Service in Bangkok, Thailand

Are you thinking of working in Thailand, then you should definitely get work permit before you start working in Thailand. Working of Alien act (2008) defines work as’ “engaging in work by exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other benefits”

The issuance of work permit falls under the jurisdiction of Ministry of labor. It is obligation of the employer to apply work permit for its foreign employee, however application of work permit can be submitted only after the foreign employee has entered Thailand under the law on immigration. The applicant of the work permit should possess Non Immigrant Business Visa. 

Practically, employer as company should be arranging for the application of Non Immigrant Business Visa for its foreign employee. Thus, your company should make proper arrangement regarding the documentations and getting pre approval for your employment from department of labor for you to apply Non Immigrant Visa at Royal Thai embassy in abroad. Once proper visa is acquired you will have to enter Thailand to apply for work permit with a pre-approval letter which specifies application for work permit to be made within 30 days from the day of picking up the pre-approval letter. Having received your work permit, you can apply for an extension of your visa on the basis of relevant company documents and work permit and extend the validity of your work permit on the basis of company documents and your visa status.

Basic requirement for the application of work permit

For employer part: To sponsor one work permit a company must have

  • 2 million THB registered and paid up capital
  • Four Thai employees working on permanent basis and registered in social fund system
  • VAT registration
  • Licenses ( if any applicable)
  • Monthly Tax filings
  • Monthly social fund filing
  • Annual audit
  • Proper, formal and real working environment for all employees to sit and work comfortably.
  • Location map of the business address

For employee

  • Valid Passport with appropriate visa. For permanent residents residence permit and alien registration book is required.
  • Departure card
  • Resume
  • Proof of educational or professional qualification depending on some employment class
  • Medical certificate not older than 1 month indicating blood type and that the applicant is of good physical and mental, not suffer from, leprosy, tuberculosis, elephantiasis, any kind of narcotic addition or alcoholism and stage three syphilis.
  • 3×4 cm size photograph in formal attire 3 copies.
  • If in case, applicant is married to Thai citizen the following additional must be submitted
  • The marriage certificate
  • Spouse’s identity card and household registration

(NOTE : with regards to an applicant married to Thai citizen, requirement of registered and paid up capital of the company is reduced 1 million Thai Baht.)

Exemption and Special provisions

Working of Alien (Foreigner) Act have made provision for following specific act or duties by a foreigner in the kingdom of Thailand to be exempt from work permit application

  • Member of diplomatic mission or consular mission or representative of member countries and official of the United nations and specialized institute, their family member and personal servant
  • Person who performs duties or mission with respect to agreements between Government of Thailand and foreign government or international organization
  • Person who performs duties or mission for the benefit of education, culture, art, sports and other activities
  • Person who permitted by Thai government to enter and perform any duty or mission.

Special cases as treated by Ministry of Labor can be granted work permit for

  • Foreign who enters the Kingdom temporarily under the law on immigration in a visa status other than tourist and transit to engage in NECESSARY AND URGENT work for a period not exceeding 15 DAYS, a foreigner can engage in the work after giving written notification to department of employment and such notification is subject to acceptance from department of labor.
  • Foreigner brought to Thailand to perform work under the law on investment promotion or other laws, Department of labor shall issue work permit for such person within seven days from the date of acceptance from authority under investment promoted or other related authority. While awaiting for the work permit under process applicant may engage in work.

While employing foreigners for a job in any company both employer and employee have to always keep in consideration occupations that a foreigner cannot engage in. There are 39 different occupations and professions that are restricted for foreigners to indulge in. Regarding salary, minimum salary requirement prescribed by the Immigration Rule shall be included in considerations as well.

Changes to conditions in work permit

Amendments or changes can be filed at labor department as for

  • Change/add work or workplace or locality of work
  • Change employer
  • Change job description
  • Amend name or surname in terms of spelling

Forms with respective requirement can be downloaded here (put hyperlink to forms) (Note: As per the ministry cabinet resolution, foreign workers from Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia have been given an indulgence to work in the kingdom in 2 occupations, which are 1) Labor work and 2) Domestic worker.