Recruitment License
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Recruitment License Service in Bangkok, Thailand
If your line of business is providing recruitment service or employment service to potential job seekers and provide workers to the company, you must apply for recruitment license or employment service license.
The license is issuance comes under the jurisdiction of provincial department of employment, ministry of labor and social welfare.
The company cannot have recruitment objective in its affidavit before acquiring approval letter form Department of employment and also cannot put the word like ‘recruitment’ or ‘manpower’ in company name before acquiring license.
The recruitment license or employment service license has been broadly categorized in to two types
- Domestic Recruitment (Employment) Service License
- Overseas or Outbound Employment Service License
While applying for the RECRUITMENT LICENSE (DOMESTIC) following are important requirement as laid out by department of employment
- Director of the company and authorized signatory for the application has to be Thai national. If there are more than 1 authorized directors then board resolution should be passed authorizing the director to sign documentation regarding license application.
- Majority of shareholding of the company should be Thai nationals or Thai juristic person. At least 51% of the shares has to be owned by Thai national or juristic person.
- Office space area should be at least 16 square meters separate from other offices and name signage of the company should be in front of office. As there is will be on site inspection from department of employment. Copy of landlord documents are also required as a proof of consent from the landlord to use address for office purpose.
- Signing director needs to obtain clean criminal record report from Police station
- Security deposit of 1,00,000 in the form of cash, cashier cheque, government bond or bank guarantee has to be deposited to department of employment.
After the application of is submitted, as stated above, as approval of application a letter is issued by the department of employment instructing a company to add objective and change name of the company.
Once company documents are submitted with new name and objective of recruitment or manpower added License is issued.
The License is issued for the tenure of two years and renewal application has to be submitted at least 30 days before the current license expires.
While applying for OUTBOIND OR OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT LICENSE the following requirement has to be fulfilled
- The applicant of the overseas employment license has to be either private limited company or public limited company.
- The paid-up capital of the company should be at least 1 million THB.
- The capital or shareholding of the company belonging to Thai shareholders not less than three fourth (75%) of the total share capital
- Security deposit of at 5,000,000 THB has to be deposited in form of cash, cashier cheque, government bond or bank guarantee.
- Should no possess domestic employment license.
- Authorized director to sign the documents for license application should be of Thai nationality with overall directorship ratio of company being 3:1. i.e. for every 1 foreign director there should be 3 Thai directors.
Government fee:
Domestic Recruitment (Employment) service License 5,000 THB
Overseas (outbound) Employment service License 10,000 THB
The time line for getting the license varies specifically due to lengthy time for getting police record and inspection appointment by the office.